The Ly Dynasty was established by King Ly Thai To in the 10th lunar month in 1009, and ended in 1225. Nine kings in total were on the throne throughout this dynasty. In 1225 when Ly Chieu Hoang transferred the throne to her husband, Tran Canh, the Tran Dynasty started and lasted until 1400 under the reign of thirteen successive kings. Lý and Trần are the two longest dynasties in the history of Vietnam and were highly developed in all areas such as the military, the economy, culture, art, architecture. Buddhism was highly developed and became the national religion, as well as the characteristic culture of the period. This is also the period in which the foundations were laid for the establishment and development of legal and education systems. The cause of defending the country during the Ly-Tran dynasties was manifested in the great victory of the rebellion against the Tang (1077) and three victories over the Mongol (1257, 1285, 1288). The national memory of these victorious battles has created the Vietnamese people’s great pride in their heroic tradition of resistance against foreign invaders.

Ly-Tran Dynasties Ceramic Collection, 11th – 14th centuries AD
Collection of terracotta architectural decorative materials, Tran dynasty, 13th-14th centuries AD
Brown-patterned ceramic collection