Friday, 2/14/2025
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Bảo tàng lịch sử Quốc gia

Vietnam National Museum of History

27/03/2014 11:24 2506
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Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh Museum will implement a VND14 billion project to refurbish Laos’ Kaysone Phomvihane museum.

A document to this effect was signed in Laos’ capital Vientine on March 24.

The Vietnamese museum will help its Lao counterpart renovate the main hall, paint the museum, decorate the Lao cultural symbol, and refurbish the funeral showroom of the Lao President Kaysone Phomvihane.

The upgrade will ensure the future long-term operation of the museum.

The museum, built by non-refundable aid from the Vietnamese Government, is to honor Laos’ great revolutionary leader Kaysone Phomvihane.



Relics & Reliquaries: A popular devotion opens at Museum of Religious Art of Fourvière

Relics & Reliquaries: A popular devotion opens at Museum of Religious Art of Fourvière

  • 25/03/2014 10:47
  • 2653

All the reliquaries shown here have welcomed prayers, requests, thanks. For the believer, a relic is the last memory of a saint; it is also the promise of their closeness with God. In a way, it is the intercessor between the believer and God. To pray in front of a relic does not mean “to worship a piece of flesh”. To pray in front of a relic, one has to come with humility, beseech the help of a saint to speak to God.