Culture is one of three fronts (economic, political, and cultural) where Communists fought not only a political revolution but also a cultural revolution. Thanks to the leadership in the cultural movement, the new Communist Party can influence public opinion and give effective propaganda.
In February 1943, the Indochinese Communist Party Central Committee's Standing Conference approved “Outline of Vietnamese Culture", the first cultural credo of the Vietnamese Communist Party drafted by General Secretary Truong Chinh. The ideological content of the Outline reflected and promptly responded to the demands of building a revolutionary culture. This was a very important orientation for the birth of a new Vietnamese culture and art in cultural activities under the leadership of the Party. Important cultural views expressed in the "Outline of Vietnamese Culture" gradually supplemented by the requirements of later stages of revolution.
For the 75th anniversary of "Outline of Vietnamese Culture" (1943-2018), the VNMH has a special exhibition entitled “Literature and Arts during the Anti-French Resistance War (1945-1954)”
With nearly 150 photos and artifacts currently kept at the VNMH, this exhibition helps the public to have a better understanding of the value of "Outline of Vietnamese Culture" through the dedication of the first class’ artists who received the contents and ideas of the Outline. Thereby, they recognize the obligations and responsibilities for building and developing the advanced Vietnamese culture deeply imbued with national identity in the new period.
The exhibition’s opening ceremony will be on Friday, June 8, 2018 at the special exhibition room, No. 216 Tran Quang Khai, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi. This exhibition will be opened to the public for three months.