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Bảo tàng lịch sử Quốc gia

Vietnam National Museum of History

11/05/2018 00:04 1679
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Nine-dragon tower-shaped lampstand, cast-iron, early 20th century AD.

Nine-dragon tower-shaped lampstand, cast-iron, early 20th century AD.
This nine-dragon tower-shaped lampstand is similar to those dedicated to the infant Shakyamuni in Buddhist pagodas. An arc tower decorated with 9 dragons blowing water, according to the legend, was used to bathe the baby Shakyamuni. The image of dragons blowing water reflects the wish for rain of traditional cultivators. This lampstand is shaped in the same form, with nine dragons hiding in the clouds and 28 oil dishes representing the stars of the celestial heavens. The decoration of this artefact makes it a splendid artwork both in terms of its technical execution and its imaginative expressiveness.
